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  • Reviews 239

    • Devon Jones in 2023 via Google
      • + Very good sale
    • Ryan Ramos in 2023 via Google
      • + Not only the flexibility of work or the model that exists in terms of commissions, but for me the training is very important and with this in safti it is a non-stop, they train you with professionals who do not give you room to have doubts. A 10.
    • MERCEDES CABAÑAS in 2023 via Google
      • - Two months after contracting their service to sell a home I own, after one of their agents contacted me, they stop answering my calls and messages and after a few days my home was not published, they canceled it. I send an email to ask for explanations as to why they have not notified me, why they no longer advertise my home and the agent Amanda no longer appears on their website and does not respond, although she uses her personal mobile. It's been more than a month since the email and I'm still waiting for an answer. In conclusion, total mistrust in hiring their services, if the agent no longer works with them, you think you have your home for sale and it is not. They work with people without training and they come to this company because they have nothing else. The company's silence says it all.
    • Alan guzman in 2023 via Google
      • + I am a real estate consultant at SAFTI and I have been able to develop my professional career in this company, I would highlight their training in the sector and the proximity of the coaches. In addition, the meetings to promote teamwork are very interesting and allow you to create a consolidated team.
    • Jeroen van den Broek in 2022 via Google
      • - This real estate agency wouldn't or couldn't even provide the location of a house or a floor plan of the house. Scam alert.
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